Being alone is not It's bad, it's bad to be condemned to a relationship with no future..
A relationship always takes two, never one.
Both must strive for the good of the relationship, for there to be dialogue and trust.
But when a relationship exists simply to exist and to say that yes, we have someone in our lives and we don't have a good time, then that relationship is doomed from the start.
Being alone isn't bad, but having a bad time in a relationship that doesn't make sense means you need to think more carefully about the choices you make and set goals to make your desires a reality.
Insisting on being in such a relationship even though you see that something is wrong is like being afraid of being alone, so it's like you want to be tortured too.
I don't think there is a person who likes to get hurt all the time and who constantly wants to make wrong choices.
Because even if you stay in a relationship like that for years, you lose everything you dreamed of.
Don't let anyone make you feel bad, belittle you, and constantly insult you.
Essentially, this is a toxic relationship that only harms you and your psychology.
Toxic relationships are a disaster from the start, and I've talked to you about them many times in my articles.
In conclusion, before getting into a relationship, carefully weigh your wants, test the other person to see if they really want a relationship, and then move forward with your life the way you want!
And don't forget what I always say:
Always smile genuinely, even in your most difficult moments, because you deserve it and because it suits you!!
*You can also read my other articles here*
*The photo is from Pablo by Buffer*