Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι...

Christmas is...

Christmas is...to have fun with our loved ones and not to worry about our exes!

There is no doubt that Christmas is the most beautiful holiday of the year, I personally love it - although for the last three years we have not spent the holidays at my house due to my dad's serious medical problem - because everything is decorated, you see happy people around you and you feel the love overflowing.

For me, Christmas is about spending time with our loved ones, because life is short and you never know what it will bring, not about worrying about our ex and that relationship that ended ungratefully.

We've all been through these stages and we cried and hurt and even fell to the floor for him, but later we realized that it wasn't worth it since we missed out on unique moments with our own people.

After all, as my mom taught me, relationships come and go, but parents and the people who truly love us stay in our lives forever, whether through good or bad.

Hug your loved ones these days and don't worry about your ex!

And of course, don't forget that you should always smile genuinely, because you deserve it & because it suits you!!!

New love will come where you least expect it!!

What is Christmas to you?

I await your answers in the comments.

Happy holidays with love and lots of smiles!!

*The photo is from Pablo by Buffer*

*You can read my other texts here*

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